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Larch (acer larix decidua)



The larch is a large conifer with a light and loose crown. The bark of young trees is initially gray-brown, the bark of older trees is deeply fissured. The larch is the only conifer that sheds its needles in autumn. It grows up to 40 meters high and can live up to 500 years.



The larch originally comes from the Central Alps, but is also often planted in flat and hilly areas. It needs a lot of light, but is otherwise very undemanding in terms of location. Due to its pronounced resistance to heat, moisture and drought, the larch is very well suited for the development of climate-stable mixed forests.


Ecological importance:

With its coarse bark, the larch offers a habitat for numerous animal and insect species. Various bird species use this as a source of food.


Economic importance:

The valuable wood of the larch is used both inside and outside due to its durability. Popular areas of application are construction timber, external cladding and decking in the external area as well as windows, doors, floors and furniture in the interior. The permanent use of this renewable raw material binds CO2 (CO2 sink). The wood is also used as firewood.


SKU: 012
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