Bird cherry (Prunus avium)
The bird cherry is a medium-sized deciduous tree with a tall, irregular and loose crown. It can reach heights of 15 to 25 meters and is up to 100 years old. The leaves are oblong and obovate, the edge of the leaf is serrated.
Bird cherries grow in sparse mixed deciduous forests. It needs fresh, nutrient-rich and base-rich soils, but it also copes well with drought. Because of this drought resistance, the bird cherry is very suitable for climate-stable mixed forests.
Ecological importance:
Due to the early flowering of the bird niche in April to May, it is an important supplier of nectar for many insects. Birds like to eat their fruits, which thus contribute to the spread. The foliage decomposes quickly and contributes to the formation of humus in the forest floor.
Economic importance:
The cherry provides valuable wood from which furniture has been built for centuries. The permanent use of this renewable raw material binds CO2 (CO2 sink). The wood is also used as firewood.
Bird cherry
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